Portrait Secrets
The 7 Things To Look For In A Photographer:
#1 - Make SURE They Guarantee Their Work!
“If you are not THRILLED beyond your expectations - if you don’t cry (tears of joy) when you look at the photographs - you don’t pay for them.”
This is a big one, and it’s the most difficult one to find. Most photographers would never think of guaranteeing their work. They will say “but it’s ‘art’, and
you can’t guarantee art!” Well, I think that’s crazy. You’re investing your hard-earned money in these photographs, and I believe that you should ONLY
pay for them if you’re absolutely thrilled. That’s why I offer a complete 100% guarantee. No kidding, if you are not completely thrilled with your
photographs, I will either enhance them digitally, create additional images for you at no charge, or I will cheerfully refund all your money. I am absolutely
committed to creating the finest portraits you have ever had (or ever will have) made.
So, make sure that any photographer you are considering offers this same guarantee. Just make that one of the first things you ask when you call on the
phone: “What’s your guarantee?” If they don’t immediately, and without hesitation tell you that you don’t pay if you’re not thrilled - go to a different
#2 - The Photographer MUST Meet With You FOR FREE, Prior To The Actual Photography Session!
Make sure the photographer, or at least the “portrait consultant” meets with you personally BEFORE the photographs (at no extra charge) to help you
with every decision - this insures you and your family will look perfect in your photographs.”
This is such an important step! There are only a handful of photographers in America who do this, and it’s such a vital step. You see, fine portraiture is
much like decorating the inside of your home. It involves careful planning, and everything must work together to make a great result. For example, if you
were redecorating your living room, you would NEVER choose what color wallpaper to put on the walls if you didn’t know what color carpeting you were
going to have. Or, imagine shopping for new furniture for that room, without knowing the exact dimensions and layout first.
It’s the same thing with your portraits. Any photographer who claims that he or she can just “plunk” you down and snap the photographs and have them
turn out great is NOT a great photographer. That’s someone who is NOT concerned about creating a fantastic, perfect photograph of you and your loved
ones - this is someone who is only interested in cranking through as many clients per day as possible.
You are NOT on an assembly line here! Your family is completely unique, and unlike any other family on earth. Therefore, your photographs must reflect
that as well. That’s why it’s so important the photographer meet with you before the session. At that time, the photographer will help you choose the
perfect clothing, how to do the hair and makeup, what will be the perfect location to photograph in, and find out what’s most important to you about these
I’ve been in the business of photographing families for over 20 years, and I have learned the hard way that creating a portrait without doing this
“pre-portrait meeting” first is a formula for disappointment. And I DON’T CHARGE A CENT FOR IT
#3 - You Can Have The Photograph Created ANYWHERE YOU LIKE, At No Extra Charge!
You can have your photographs created outdoors, in your home, at the beach - wherever you like. Plus, I will help you choose the perfect
location, also at no charge.”
How personal is a photograph to be if it’s not created in a location that is special and personal to you? The location will be like an additional
personality in your photograph. Imagine, you are all gathered at the beach, or in your backyard, or in your favorite room in your home. That
photograph now has all new life to it. We are so fortunate here in New Jersey to have access to many beautiful locations for outdoor portraiture
- and believe me, I know tons of them! So, if you don’t have an idea of where you’d like to have your photograph taken, I’ll be able to give you
some fantastic ideas.
If your photographer tries to charge you extra to photograph on location, they are not the right photographer for you. No photographer should
charge you extra to do what is right for the photograph in the first place.
#4 - Make Sure Your Photographer Has A Photographic Enhancement Artist On Staff - Perfect Portraits Are No Accident...
“I have some of the best artists on the east coast who work directly with me to enhance every photograph I create.”
This goes SO FAR beyond “digital retouching” where a computer guy goes in and removes blemishes or touches up wrinkles. This is so much more. AT
NO EXTRA CHARGE, we will have a Portrait Enhancement Artist go over every inch of your portraits and give them another dimension of life. Don’t worry,
no one will EVER be able to tell that any enhancement was done to them, but this one step can take a good photograph and make it a work of art. Our
Art staff is all full-time and they work only for us – they are the best in the industry.
Most photographers do not offer this sort of service, and if they do, they charge extra again for it. You can see a pattern forming here. Many
photographers charge you a “base rate” for the photography, then, add on charges for everything beyond that. That’s a crazy way to work, if you ask me.
It’s like buying a car at the dealership, then finding out that you have to pay extra if you want tires and an engine. I don’t work that way, and you shouldn’t
either. When you commission me to create a portrait, you get the very best without having to pay extra for it.
#5 - Your Photographer Should NEVER Tell You To “Say Cheese” To Get A Natural Expression!
“When I create a portrait, natural expressions are guaranteed - I not only have ‘focused’ (no pun intended) on my photography skills, but I’ve also
mastered ways of working with subjects to get the best and most natural expressions every time.” We’ve all seen photographs where the subjects looked
fake and posed - and those photographs never look good. Why have a portrait created if you don’t look natural? There are a number of ways to insure you
look your best in the photographs. And, I’ll give you a hint, it never involves having anyone “say cheese.”
I’ve spent just as much time perfecting the “art” of human relationships and psychology as I have perfecting my photographic techniques. When all is
said and done, the most important thing in your portrait is - YOU. The relationships - the expressions - the personalities. If you’re at all like most people,
you don’t feel very comfortable in front of a camera. Believe me, I know how you feel. I’m a photographer, and I don’t even like being in front of a camera.
That’s why I take the time to get to know you very well - what your hobbies are - your likes and dislikes, so that I can talk to you during the session, and
loosen everyone up.
No one EVER looks stiff or “posed” in my photographs. Never. The one comment I get more than any other from my clients is: “We all look so natural,
and so great!” To me, a portrait must look REAL, not fake or posed. Every photographer should think that way, but most of them don’t.
#6 - Find Out Why Your Photographer Became A Photographer! Many Become Photographers For The Wrong Reasons!
“Because of my own family, I understand how important these photographs will be to you.”
You see, I understand how much these photographs are going to mean to you, and I feel I have a huge responsibility to make them perfect for you. You
see, I didn’t get into photography because it seemed like a surefire way to make money. I got into photography because of a love for helping others
capture the memories that will last a lifetime.
That’s why I got into photography. I love photography, but even more, I love people. I love creating priceless memories. My love for photography helps me
to consistently create photographs that go well beyond traditional portraits.
#7 - A Photographer Should Do NO MORE Than 2 Sessions Per Day - If They Are Doing More Than That, They Will Be Rushing Through Your Session,
And Won’t Be Able To Devote The Time To Do It Right.
“I will only do a MAXIMUM of 2 portrait sessions per day. What does this mean to you? It means that I will never be rushing to get your session done so I
can move on to the next. Your photographs will be perfect, because I devote all my time and focus to your family.”
This is so important! Most photographers try to cram 5 to 10 sessions into one day! That’s crazy! They have about enough time to set up a couple lights,
snap a few images, then, fly out the door on their way to the next session. I made the decision 35 years ago that I wasn’t going to work that way. You
get my undivided attention, and I’m not going to be rushing off to do another session, leaving you and your family with less-than-perfect portraits. My
father taught me - “anything worth doing is worth doing right.” I believe that 100%, and that’s why I’d rather do 2 great sessions a day, rather than 10
“okay” sessions. It’s a matter of pride. You trust me with your family’s memories. I take that responsibility VERY seriously.
Ask any photographer you call how many sessions they typically do in a day. If it’s more than 2, move on to another photographer. Believe me; this
makes such a HUGE difference in the quality of your finished portrait.
Call Me At (866) Galis-PV, or (732) 246-4590, And We Will Chat About Your Portraits - No Cost - No Obligation.
You Can Also Email Me For A FREE Report On How To Choose A Portrait Photographer. This Report Is Filled With Many Secrets That Will Be
Invaluable To You.
You decide to have me create your portraits - great. If not, no problem.
Even if it’s after business hours, still call right now. I’ve got an answering machine that is just waiting to cheerfully take your message, and I’ll personally
call you back so we can chat. Just let me know when a good time to call you back is.
You may have some additional questions about having a portrait created. Call or email and I can even check to see if I would be available to be your
photographer. It won’t be a long call, but it will be one of the most important calls you make.
You know how things are. If you don’t act on this RIGHT NOW, and at least email us for more information, or call to chat about your portrait, you will
probably get swamped with other things, and forget all about it.
You see, time is ticking.... and it’s never going to stop.
Galis Photography and Video
19 No. County Line Rd
Jackson, NJ 08527
(732) 534-4011